One Blog

Hey guys,

After owning multiple blogs across different sites for over a decade, I've decided to merge my blogs into one. Why? Because I suck at maintaining blogs. So, as much as possible, I wanted to simplify my blogging for those spurts when I actually do feel like posting.

So now, instead of spreading myself thin over different Wordpress blogs, I have one blog, covering totally different topics that I care about. You'll be able to explore each individual topic at the bottom of the site. I've always loved the way Pinterest lets you follow peoples' interests, not just the person, so I've designed my blog to work the same way. Each category even has its own RSS feed.

I do have a secret I should mention:

A lot of posts and categories on here are unlisted, hidden away from search engines and friendly neighborhood stalkers like you. But if you follow me on the right social networks, you'll occasionally find me linking to hidden parts of this site.

As always, my site is a work-in-progress. Specifically, I'm still in the middle of migrating blog posts onto here and fixing issues like broken images in the process.

I've been maintaining this blog, in one form or another, for 15 years now. I've always loved the idea of documenting my thoughts for myself just so I can watch myself grow over the years. Thank you for following along and being a part of my journey.
