Great Ideas Get Copied →

Lukas Mathis:

...the fact that three different companies are giving each other a run for their money on OS design is pretty amazingly great, and fantastic for people who actually use these devices. I’m growing more and more tired of the partisan reporting that happens in the tech industry, where people pledge allegiance to one or the other multinational corporation and support everything that corporation does, while dismissing and belittling everything everybody else does, particularly if other companies copy features from the one company they like.

This is such a misguided approach.

People who buy Apple products should be ecstatic that Microsoft and Google are competing with Apple, and vice-versa. Everybody should be happy if each company takes each other company’s greatest ideas, and improves upon them. The last thing we want is another 90s-type situation, where one company controls 95% of the market, and as a direct result, progress just halts for a decade.

Great ideas get copied and evolve. Consumers win.