new thing of the day

new thing of the day: tailgated a highway patrol officer and got him to change lanes.

also new thing of the day: got pulled over by a highway patrol officer for tailgating and making him change lanes...

Mel: (damnit, highway patrol)

Mel: (that's such a retarded rule, no one being allowed to pass up a highway patrol car)

Mel: (fuck this, i'm passing up this biotch)

Mel: tailgates

Cop: changes lane

Mel: (yeah, that's right...move bitch, get out da way!!)

Cop: police siren & lights

Cop: do you have any idea why i pulled you over?

Mel: sorry 'bout that, officer...

Mel: i was listening to my old 80s Rock mix and i got a little too excited...

Cop: do you have proof of insurance and registration?

Mel: yeah...

Mel: pretends to fumble around for it

Mel: this it?

Mel: acts like never been pulled over

Cop: yeah that's do you want a break or a ticket?

Mel: well...ummm...a break would be nice....

and that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you get out of a ticket.