Convo: melmyfinger, you're a guy??

While JR Aquino was singing to some 'NSync:

melmyfinger: touches jr's earlobe
reyesc90: bakit pa ba
reyesc90: hahah
gotkatzy: hahahhaa
XoXoKimberlyMarieXoXo: lol
gotkatzy: awww this song....
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh: yesss i love bakit pa ba
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh: and di ko sa dya
melmyfinger: brushes thumb across lips
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh: O_O
gotkatzy: dang melissa
gotkatzy: LOL!!!
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh: lol
XoXoKimberlyMarieXoXo: lol
melmyfinger: melissa?
Mquerol: haha
gotkatzy: waittt
melmyfinger: i'm a dude, dude
gotkatzy: mel
gotkatzy: whateve
melmyfinger: hahahaha
gotkatzy: lol im sleepy
Mquerol: is it jsut mel?
XoXoKimberlyMarieXoXo: lol
melmyfinger: mel
melmyfinger: yeah
RyanX7: haha
fallenxANGEL: lol
Mquerol: k
gotkatzy: there u go
melmyfinger: i has a weiner
gotkatzy: mel
reyesc90: do u remember their song with babyface
Mquerol: haha mel
gotkatzy: hahaha
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh: wowwwww

Convo: Brazilian BBQ for Men Only

Mel: I would never take a girl here...this is such a man's restaurant.
Rodrigo: Yeah, girls here would be such a waste.
Mel: They should make a brazilian bbq place but with a 300 theme.
Mel: The servers are all in Spartan uniforms and capes, and the serve the meat on Spartan spears...
Mel: That would be awesome!
Rodrigo: :uhh:
Rodrigo: Uhh, no. That would be really gay.
Mel: Shit, you're right. Nevermind.

Mexican Conspiracy

Ryan: so who were those zexy ladies you were giving the eye-fuck to today?
Mel: hahaa
Mel: you saw that?
Mel: when i was outside?
Mel: i dunno but they were hot
Ryan: im talking about the ones you were meeting with, dumb-dumb
Mel: ohh
Mel: for the spanish site we're working on
Mel: ** or something
Ryan: iiiiiiiiinteresting
Ryan: they didnt look mexican to me
Mel: the company is ruled by white people
Ryan: hhahaha
Ryan: niice
Ryan: first we take mexifornia from them.. now we're gonna run their spanish websites
Mel: hahah
Ryan: but they are working to subvert us
Ryan: by taking jobs in fast food and burrito joints
Ryan: and at a critical point they strike and say "give us what we want, or NO BURRITO FOR YOU!"
Ryan: anarchy will ensue
Mel:** hahahahahahaa

Family Toilet

Dad: hurry up!
Mel: hold on!
Mel: i need to take a shit after michael
Dad: why don't you use the upstairs toilet?
Mel: that toilet sucks!
Mel: it always fucking clogs!
Dad: the problem isn't the toilet, son.
Dad: the problem is your butt.
Mark: we don't shit little pebbles like you, dad

Keep it in the Family??

So I was having an interesting convo with an international friend whom I'll refer to as "Jorge"...

Jorge: yeah, I'd get drunk and dance all the time.
Jorge: this one girl I knew would make fun of me and call me a "ballerina"
Mel: :bakla:
Jorge: but that's okay cuz I eventually banged her.
Mel: :rofl:
Mel: the last time I did crazy drunken dancing was at my cousin's wedding
Mel: hell, that night I discovered I could breakdance
Mel: but anyways, it was kinda weird...I couldn't dance with any girls cuz all the girls were my freakin' cousins.
Jorge: what's wrong with that?
Mel: :uhh:
Jorge: back home we'd dance with our family all the time.
Jorge: we'd do that thing where you put your leg between hers and she'd do the same
Jorge: and you two do you say....rub?
Mel: you mean like grinding?
Jorge: yeah.
Mel: :uhh:
Mel: yeah, that's kinda frowned upon here in the states, dude.
Jorge: really?
Jorge: what about banging your cousins?
Mel: :omg:
Jorge: you can't bang your cousins??
Jorge: not even if they're hot?
Mel: dude, no!!
Mel: I mean, I'm proud to say that I have good looking cousins...but no...that's
Mel: cuz dude, the way I see it, it's like
Mel: mom...her sisters...their daughters...
Jorge: no no no, it's quite simple:
Jorge: there's your penis...and her vagina.
Mel: no no doesn't work that way...
Jorge: but it's the best!
Jorge: cuz it's like you two grow up together and you have a connection
Jorge: and then she's all pretty and you want to have sex
Jorge: she doesn't have to worry about getting hurt because you're family!
Mel: dude, you just said "sex" and "family" in the same sentence!

So yeah, his little persuasive speech didn't work on me.

Then strangely a couple days later, this article came out: Study: Most babies born to first-cousins are healthy.

But sorry, I'm still not convinced; my cousins are here strictly for potlucks, drinking and karaoke.

Enough iPhone Apps!

melmyfinger: okay steve, we get the fucking point about the fucking iphone apps
sherwin: lol ya serious
sherwin: are they going to go thru every fucking app
sherwin: my friend just wrote
sherwin: "ok so the iphone runs apps now. i get it"
melmyfinger: hahah
melmyfinger: how long is this keynote supposed to be?
sherwin: most are an hour right
sherwin: wouldn't it be so rad
sherwin: if there's nothing to intro
sherwin: it's just all an app show
melmyfinger: apple's stock would drop so fucking low
melmyfinger: "one more new iphone"
sherwin: go home fanboys
melmyfinger: stock plunges instantly
sherwin: and then he whips out his dick
sherwin: and pees on the front row
melmyfinger: hahahahahahahaha


What if we were "deaf?"

Mel: do you think it'd be easier for us to get girls if we pretended to be deaf like ryan?
Mel: that'd be fucking sweet
Mel: we wouldn't have to talk
Mel: and
Mel: we wouldn't have to listen
Rodrigo: I don't know if would be easir in the overall... but would be easier to grab their asses wihth no apparent reason
Rodrigo: plus, imagine me, drunk, trying to playing the deaf guy
Mel: hahahahahaa
Rodrigo: that would NEVER work
Mel: hahahahaha
Mel: "baby, i have this condition where i spontaneously go's nothing personal....sometimes i just can't hear you"
Rodrigo: hahahahhahaha
Rodrigo: "and the cure is a blowjob"
Mel: "but i get ssleepy don't get mad if i fall's just another condition i have"